Canadians and Their Pasts Bibliography, August 2005
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Adelman, S. R. (1997). The “mastering of the past”: Two responses to Daniel Jonah Goldhagen. Midstream, 43, 1.
Ahonen, S. (1999). Clio sans uniform: A study of the Post-Marxist transformation of the history curricula in East Germany and Estonia 1986-91. Helsinki, Finland: Suomalaninen Tiedeakatemia.
Ahonen, S. (2001). Politics of identity through history curriculum: Narratives of the past for social exclusion – or inclusion? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 33(2), 179-194.
Ahsan, S. A.-A. (1984). School texts and the political culture of British Columbia, 1881-1980. BC Studies, 63(Autumn), 55-72.
Alleman, J., & Brophy, J. (1996). Considering textbook limitations and strategies for compensation. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 9(2), 4-7.
Allen, G. (2001). Canadian history in film: A roundtable discussion. Canadian Historical Review, 82(2), 331-346.
Allen, G. (2001). The professionals and the public: Responses to Canada: A People’s History. Histoire Sociale/Social History, 68.
Almarza, D. J. (2001). Contexts shaping minority language students’ perceptions of American history. Journal of Social Studies Research, 25(2), 4-22.
Alonso-Tapia, J., & Villa, J. L. (1999). How can historical understanding best be assessed? Use of prediction tasks to assess how students understand the role of causal factors that produce historical events. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 14(3), 339-358.
Alton-Lee, A., Nuthall, G., & Patrick, J. (1993). Reframing classroom research: A lesson from the private world of children. Harvard Educational Review, 63(1), 50-84.
Ames, M. M. (1992). Cannibal tours and glass boxes: The anthropology of museums. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Anderson, B. R. (1991). Imagined communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism (Rev. and extended , 2nd ed.). London, [Eng.] ; New York: Verso.
Angvik, M., & von Borries, B. (Eds.). (1997). Youth and history: A comparative European survey on historical consciousness and political attitudes among adolescents. Hamburg: Körber Stiftung.
Anisef, P., & Lanphier, C. M. (2003). The world in a city. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Ankersmit, F. R. (1989). Historiography and postmodernism. History and Theory, 28(2), 137-153.
Ankersmit, F. R. (2001). Historical representation F.R. Ankersmit. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Ankersmit, F. R. (2002). Political representation. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Ankersmit, F. R. (2005). Sublime historical experience. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
Anyon, J. (1978). Elementary social studies textbooks and legitimating knowledge. Theory and Research in Social Education, 6(3), 40-55.
Anyon, J. (1979). Ideology and United States history textbooks. Harvard Educational Review, 49(3), 361-386.
Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11(1), 3-42.
Anyon, J. (1997). Ghetto schooling: A political economy of urban educational reform. New York: Teachers College Press Teachers College Columbia University.
Apple, M. (1988). Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in education. New York ; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Apple, M. W. (2000). Official knowledge: Democratic education in a conservative age (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Apple, M. W., & Christian-Smith, L. K. (1991). The politics of the textbook. New York: Routledge.
Appleby, J. O., Hunt, L. A., & Jacob, M. C. (1994). Telling the truth about history. New York: Norton.
Archibald, R. (1999). A place to remember: Using history to build community. Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press.
Armbruster, B. B., & Anderson, T. H. (1984). Structures of explanations in history textbooks or so what if Governor Stanford missed the spike and hit the rail. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 16(2), 181-194.
Arriaza, G., & Arias, A. (1998). Claiming collective memory: Maya languages and civil rights. Social Justice, 25(3), 10.
Arthur, C. J. (1968). On the historical understanding. History and Theory, 7(2), 203-216.
Arthur, J., & Phillips, R. (2000). Issues in history teaching. London ; New York: Routledge.
Ashby, R., Gordon, P., & Lee, P. (Eds.). (2005). Understanding history: Recent research in history education (Vol. 4: International Review of History Education). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Ashby, R., & Lee, P. (2005). Planning, teaching, and assessment in history. In J. Bransford (Ed.), How People Learn: Principles into Practice. Washington, DC: National Research Council.
Ashby, R., Lee, P., & Dickinson, A. (1997). How children explain the “why” of history: The Chata Research Project on teaching history. Social Education, 61(1), 17-21.
Ashley, M. J., Northrup, D. A., & Ferrence, R. (1998). The Ontario ban on smoking on school property: Issues and challenges in enforcement. Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne De Sante Publique, 89(4), 229-232.
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Attie, J. (1992). Illusions of history: A review of The Civil War. Radical History Review, 52, 95-104.
Attwood, B., & Magowan, F. (2001). Telling stories: Indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand: B. Williams Books.
Axelrod, P. (1996). Historical writing and Canadian education from the 1970s to the 1990s. History of Education Quarterly, 36(1), 19-38.
Bailey, G. A. (1975). Education and the social construction of reality: Canadian identity as portrayed in elementary school social studies textbooks. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Oregon.
Baldwin, P., & Baldwin, D. (1992). The portrayal of women in classroom textbooks. Canadian Social Studies, 26(Spring), 110-114.
Bangerter, A., & von Cranach, M. (1997). Collective remembering in the communicative regulation of group action: A functional approach. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, 16, 365-388.
Barman, J., & Gleason, M. (2003). Children, teachers and schools in the history of British Columbia (2nd ed.). Calgary: Detselig Enterprises.
Barman, J., Sutherland, N., & Wilson, J. D. (1995). Children, teachers and schools in the history of British Columbia. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises.
Barnhurst, K. G., & Wartella, E. (1998). Young citizens, American TV newscasts and the collective memory. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 15(3), 27.
Barth, J. L., & Shermis, S. S. (1980). Nineteenth century origins of the social studies movement: Understanding the continuity between older and contemporary civic and US history textbooks. Theory and Research in Social Education, 8(3), 29-50.
Barthel, D. L. (1996). Historic preservation: Collective memory and historical identity. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
Barton, K. C. (1993, November). History is more than a story: Expanding the boundaries of elementary learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Nashville, TN.
Barton, K. C. (1995, April 18-22). “My mom taught me”: The situated nature of historical understanding. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Barton, K. C. (1996, April 8-12). Did the Devil just run out of juice?Historical perspective-taking among elementary students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Barton, K. C. (1997). “Bossed around by the Queen”: Elementary students’ understanding of individuals and institutions in history. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 12(4), 290-314.
Barton, K. C. (1997). “Good cooks and washers”: Slave hiring, domestic labor, and the market in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Journal of American History, 84(2), 436-460.
Barton, K. C. (1997). History – it can be elementary: An overview of elementary students’ understanding of history. Social Education, 61(1), 13-16.
Barton, K. C. (1997). “I just kinda know”: Elementary students’ ideas about historical evidence. Theory and Research in Social Education, 25(4), 407-430.
Barton, K. C. (2001). History education and national identity in Northern Ireland and the United States: Differing priorities. Theory into Practice, 40(1), 48-54.
Barton, K. C. (2001). A picture’s worth: Analyzing historical photographs in the elementary grades. Social Education, 65(5), 278-283.
Barton, K. C. (2001). Primary children’s understanding of the role of historical evidence: Comparisons between the United States and Northern Ireland. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching, and Research, 1(2), 21-30.
Barton, K. C. (2001). A sociocultural perspective on children’s understanding of historical change: Comparative findings from Northern Ireland and the United States. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 881-913.
Barton, K. C. (2001). “You’d be wanting to know about the past”: Social contexts of children’s historical understanding in Northern Ireland and the USA. Comparative Education, 37(1), 89-106.
Barton, K. C. (2002). Historical thinking and other unnatural acts: Charting the future of teaching the past. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 33(4).
Barton, K. C. (2002). “Oh, that’s a tricky piece!”: Children, mediated action, and the tools of historical time. Elementary School Journal, 103(2), 161-185.
Barton, K. C. (2004). Research on students’ historical thinking and learning. Perspectives, 42(7), Available on-line at:, visited 2001 November 2004.
Barton, K. C. (2005). “Best not to forget them”: Adolescents’ judgments of historical significance in Northern Ireland. Theory and Research in Social Education, 33, 9-45.
Barton, K. C. (2005). Primary sources in history: Breaking through the myths. Phi Delta Kappan, 86(10), 745-753.
Barton, K. C., Downey, M. T., Epstein, T. L., Levstik, L. S., Seixas, P., Thornton, S. J., et al. (1996). Research, instruction, and public policy in the history curriculum: A symposium. Theory and Research in Social Education, 24(4), 391-415.
Barton, K. C., & Levstik, L. S. (1996). “Back when God was around and everything”: Elementary children’s understanding of historical time. American Educational Research Journal, 33(2), 419-454.
Barton, K. C., & Levstik, L. S. (1998). “It wasn’t a good part of history”: National identity and students’ explanations of historical significance. Teachers College Record, 99(3), 478-513.
Barton, K. C., & Levstik, L. S. (2004). Teaching history for the common good. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Barton, K. C., & McCully, A. W. (2002). Secondary students’ perspectives on history and identity in Northern Ireland. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Barton, K. C., & McCully, A. W. (2005). History, identity, and the school curriculum in Northern Ireland: An empirical study of secondary students’ ideas and perspectives. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 37(1), 85-116.
Barton, K. C., McCully, A. W., & Marks, M. J. (2004). Reflecting on elementary children’s understanding of history and social studies: An inquiry project with beginning teachers in Northern Ireland and the United States. Journal of Teacher Education, 55(1), 70-90.
Barton, K. C., & Smith, L. A. (2000). Themes or motifs? Aiming for coherence through interdisciplinary outlines. Reading Teacher, 54(1), 54-63.
Bartov, O. (1997). Chambers of horror: Holocaust museums in Israel and the United States. Israel Studies, 7, 66-87.
Bartov, O. (2000). Mirrors of destruction: War, genocide, and modern identity. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
Bass, R., & Rosenzweig, R. (1999). Rewiring the history and social studies classroom: Needs, frameworks, dangers, and programs. Unpublished paper.
Bebbington, D. W. (1999). History and belief: The foundations of historical understanding. Journal of Religious History, 23(2), 234-235.
Beck, I., & McKeown, M. (1994). Outcomes of history instruction: Paste-up accounts. In M. Carretero & J. Voss (Eds.), Cognitive and instructional processes in history and the social sciences (pp. 237-256). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Beck, I. L., & McKeown, M. (1988). Toward meaningful accounts in history texts for young learners. Educational Researcher, 17(6), 31-39.
Beck, I. L., & McKeown, M. G. (1991). Substantive and methodological considerations for productive textbook analysis. In J. P. Shaver (Ed.), Handbook for research and social studies teaching and learning (pp. 496-512). New York: Macmillan.
Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G., & Grommoll, E. W. (1989). Learning from social studies texts. Cognition and Instruction, 6(2), 99-158.
Becker, C. (1932). Everyman his own historian. American Historical Review, 37(2), 221-236.
Bender, T. (2002). Strategies of narrative synthesis in American history. American Historical Review, 107(1), 129-153.
Benjamin, W. (1969). Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books.
Benjamin, W. (1986). Reflections: Essays, aphorisms, autobiographical writings (1st Schocken ed.). New York: Schocken Books.
Benndorf, E. (1986). The portrayal of German-Canadian in selected social studies textbooks and supplementary materials used in British Columbia schools. In G. Friesen & K. Gurttler (Eds.), German-Canadian Yearbook. Toronto: Historical Society of Mecklenburg Upper Canada.
Bennett, P. W. (1988). Blessed are the generalists: An ode to the Canadian history teacher/textbook writer. The History and Social Science Teacher, 23(4), 186-190.
Bennett, P. W. (2001). Saving Canadian history: Focusing on the classroom. Canadian Issues(October-November), 47-48.
Bennett, P. W., & Jaenen, C. J. (1986). Emerging identities: Selected problems and interpretations in Canadian history. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice-Hall Canada.
Bennett, T. (1995). The birth of the museum: History, theory, politics. London ; New York: Routledge.
Bennett, T. (2004). Pasts beyond memory: Evolution museums colonialism. London ; New York: Routledge.
Benson, S. P., Brier, S., & Rosenzweig, R. (1986). Presenting the past: Essays on history and the public. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Ben-Yehuda, N. (1995). The Masada myth: Collective memory and mythmaking in Israel. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press.
Bercuson, D. J., & Buckner, P. A. (1981). Eastern and western perspectives: Papers from the 1978 Joint Atlantic Canada/Western Canadian Studies Conference. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Bercuson, D. J., & Wise, S. F. (1994). The Valour and the horror revisited. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.